Saturday, May 31, 2008

Trips to Africa Require an Endless Cash Supply

So, I have about 10 days to go before I need to leave for Africa. Knowing that once I land, I won't have any opportunities to shop for essentials, I have been trying to stock up on anything and everything that I think that I'll need for the next two months of camping in the middle of nowhere. How in the world do you pack enough bug spray/shampoo/sunblock to be in Africa for two months?

Every time that I turn around, I remember something else that I'll need. Then there are the expensive shots and prescriptions that are required. 170$ on the typhoid and Hep A/B shots. 230$ for the yellow fever and polio shots. In a couple of days, another dose of Hep A/B (another 150$). The prescription for my malaria pills will be about 300$. There goes the money that I had planned to purchase a new camera with!

The new tent that I purchased arrived the other day. So I set it up in my yard. Two nights later, it downpoured here. You guessed it - MAJOR leaking! So, now I have to scramble to buy a new tent, with most of my money GONE on other supplies. I can't be thrifty and find one online because I no longer have time for shipping. So, I'll probably be making a trip to LL Bean or Cabella's in the next few days to cough up more money for a tent.

I purchased a cell phone that will work in England and Nairobi so that I can stay in contact with my daughter for at least the first week that I'm gone. After that, Dr. Harris said that I can call home on a daily basis using the satellite phone at the camp.

I sit here wondering about what I still need to purchase. It still seems endless. I need some lightweight pants. I need some hiking shoes... or should I just use my sneakers? I need a backpack - something to carry my course materials, field notebooks, camera, water bottles, iPod.

Oh, did I mention that a toothache has decided to crop up this close to departure date? I need to find a dentist and shell out $$ for that, hoping that it doesn't require a root canal.

Geesh, next time I plan a trip to Africa, it will be after I hit big on the blackjack tables at Foxwoods or the state lottery!

The good news is that my Swahili language set arrived in the mail, and I'm eager to get started!

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